Monday, January 22, 2007


Sarah and Sammy--

I was so proud of you this weekend. You have come such a long way in the past year that it brings tears to my eyes. Sammy, I love the fact that you're still young enough that you are more impressed by the stuffed Tiger attached to your trophy than you were about the trophy itself. Sarah, you showed me more courage and determination than I think I will ever have by continuing on even after you were scared and hurt, and doing it to a level better than any of the other girls you went up against.

I am so proud of you guys.



Friday, January 19, 2007

I Miss You


I'm sorry we've been away from you for so long. The rest of the family has been so busy in your first year with other activities that you're just too young to take part in. I'm hoping that the move to Alabama will alleviate that--but in the meantime we say goodbye to you almost every day, and I'm limited to seeing you on weekends and evenings, and if you manage to wake up in the early morning hours.

On that note--wake up early again. I have treasured those dark mornings when it's just you and me watching TV at 5 am. Sometimes I feel like it's the only time I have with you alone and I love it, even though it means getting 2 hours less of sleep.

You're getting so big so fast. With Sarah she was it--and got every second of attention she wanted. Even with your brother it was pretty evenly split, so I feel like we got to watch intently as his little body grew. But we've been so busy that we haven't been able to watch you grow as much as I wish we could.

I love you,
